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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Letters of Acknowledgement

Dear Michele,

Wow! The impact of the presentation on Human Trafficking to the Law class was priceless. Your friendly, charismatic style supported the students in feeling comfortable, within the context of an uncomfortable topic.

When reviewing the U-tube video the next day, the students listened, and reflected again on how they can support Panama in becoming more aware of this world-wide problem. As future lawyers, their awareness of these human rights issues supports them in determining how important their job will be in their country.

Thank you again for taking time out of a busy day to share your passion and work in Panama.

Dear David,

This letter is to acknowledge, and thank you for the wonderful power point presentation performed for the Law School Pilot program at Latina last week.

Your friendly manner, coupled with your expertise in the field of Law, opened its way to lots of learning, great discussions, and active participation by the class.

Several of the students wondered whether they could email you for additional questions they had after the presentation. Please email me if this is possible.

Again, on behalf of the class, Latina, myself, and the Embassy I’d like to give our sincere thanks!

Sincerely yours,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Photo Gallery

For Adrian, this class was a light bulb emphasizing the importance
 of improving his English and encouraging his committment in  learning more English!

Allan began the class as a Chevrolet car.  He is now like a
transformer, complete with the weapons to battle the world
of a Bilingual lawyer. He aspires to someday be the  president of Panama!

Angel feels more confortable with himself now after the class.
He appreciates his uniqueness and will embrace it.

Evelyn started the class as a question mark, not knowing
why she was there.

Now, she is like a PACMAN ready to
continue learning the field of Law in both English and

Jorge felt that he was on the first step of English.  Now
because of this class he has risen to the next step. He also
wants to model himself after the guest speakers from whom he
really learned a lot.

Marìa went from being a worm - very shy and timid in English
due to a negative experience as a child, to cocooning
during this class while developing confidence and
self-esteem.  She is now a butterfly ready to learn more,
and practice her newly ...skills.

Miguel increased his knowledge of English with Profesor
Palumbo from the beginning of the class.  He feels
much more confident.

Monserrat said that she, because of the class and the presenters,
realized  that she is very passionate about learning more about other
cultures.  She now wants to learn many languages! 

Roberto began the class as a river, and now after this class,
he is like an ocean, more confident in his command of English, rallying to other lawyers in the field
to make a difference in Panama.

Robert said that he began the class as a Black Hole. He now sees
 a light  at the end of the road. He feels he has gained lots of
knowledge of English and law, too.

Posers in the Computer Lab
Posing with Professor Osvaldo, Law School Assistant

Students presenting their comparison of Panamanian vs. American International

Students finding their team mates with multiply defined
words ...

Monserrat and Miguel presenting similarities of Panamanian
and US Law

Maria, Allen ,and Angel working on their presentations.

                                                         Liz, Jorge and Adrian presenting a topic

                                              Presentation on 1960 Immigration Laws in Panama

                                                     Getting Visas in Panama..in English!!

                                                           Working together on presentations... :)

                                         Finding partners to form a group.... cloze the sentence and
                                                                                              find its definition...!

                                                                  We found our TEAM!

                                                               We found a MATCH!

KWL learnings from students...

We learned a lot of stuff from Jim Kuebler....

Allan said that he learned the message that was written in the Liberty Statue, and that great men control themselves not by laws....

Jorge said that he learned about the history of  Immigration in the United States and how to have a green card.

Miguel said that he learned about the Green Card Lottery.

We all learned VISA types, history of Immigration in the USA!!!

Your Assignment

Dear Students,

Please post your comment to Jim Kuebler regarding his presentation. This is the format:
Dear Mr. Kuebler,

I enjoyed the presentation, or The presentation that you gave was great!, very good,. etc. I learned a lot about _________________ (be specific please).

Thanks for your time, the baseballs, and the great information or

Thanks!  or

Thank you again.

Sincerely yours,
Sincerely, etc...
Your name

Thursday, November 18, 2010

American Embassy Speakers

Third Presentation:  Human Rights
Speaker: Michele Roulbet
Date. December 1st, 2010


                                                   Michele Roulbet during her presentation.

Second Presentation: Formation of Companies.
Speaker: David Mizrachi
Date: November 24th, 2010

                                David Mizrachi presenting his topic. Thanks for sharing with us.

                                                      Law students and David Mizrachi at CELI.

First Presentation: Immigration and the United States
Speaker: Jim Kuebler
Date: November 17th, 2010


                                            This is our first speaker  Jim Kuebler from the US Embassy.

                                           The presentation was very interesting. Awesome!!!

Meet the Law Team

                                          These are the great students  involved in the Pilot Program!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Week of November 29th


“Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.”
 Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes (American Baptist Minister and Civil-Rights Leader. 1929-1968)


Week of November 22nd

 Many of life's circumstances are created by three basic choices: the disciplines you choose to keep, the people you choose to be with; and, the laws you choose to obey.

Week of November 15th.

“ Laws control the lesser man... The right conduct controls the greater one.”
 Mark Twain quotes (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 1835-1910)

"Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving".

[info][add][mail]                                                   Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Monday, November 15, 2010


Dear Law School students:

Congratulations on electing, and being chosen to participate in the four week course of English for Specific Purposes.

The course requirements in order to receive a certificate are the following:

1.       Attend all four weeks of the class, totaling 16 hours;
2.       Attend 4 hours of lab time to practice English skills, one hour per week,
3.       And to create and participate in one final project that will take outside preparation.

The homework will only consist of lab time, and preparation for the final week’s project. A syllabus outlining each class period will be given on the first day of class. The classes will run from November 17th until December 9, 2010.

Classes will begin at 1:00, and will end at 3:00 each Wednesday, and Thursday in the CELI area of the university. On the first day, meet in the front area of my office on the first floor, Room 102.

Please respond to this email letting me know that you have received it, and that you will be attending this week’s classes.

Sincerely yours,

Christine Palumbo