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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Letters of Acknowledgement

Dear Michele,

Wow! The impact of the presentation on Human Trafficking to the Law class was priceless. Your friendly, charismatic style supported the students in feeling comfortable, within the context of an uncomfortable topic.

When reviewing the U-tube video the next day, the students listened, and reflected again on how they can support Panama in becoming more aware of this world-wide problem. As future lawyers, their awareness of these human rights issues supports them in determining how important their job will be in their country.

Thank you again for taking time out of a busy day to share your passion and work in Panama.

Dear David,

This letter is to acknowledge, and thank you for the wonderful power point presentation performed for the Law School Pilot program at Latina last week.

Your friendly manner, coupled with your expertise in the field of Law, opened its way to lots of learning, great discussions, and active participation by the class.

Several of the students wondered whether they could email you for additional questions they had after the presentation. Please email me if this is possible.

Again, on behalf of the class, Latina, myself, and the Embassy I’d like to give our sincere thanks!

Sincerely yours,